
International Design Center in Central Henan

Visits : Release time :2017-12-29

Located in the northwest side of the intersection between the 4th Zhenggang Road and the 4th Zhenggang Street in Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone, this project is the peerless work of Zaha Hadid, the winner of The Building Program Pritzker Architecture Prize and internationally renowned architect. With the total building area of about 0.19 million square meters and total investment of about 1.8 billion yuan, the Project is composed of podiums and 5 tower buildings. The architectural form of the tower buildings is designed with flowers as its design intent. Upon completion, the Project will become the first one-stop design and creative complex with the design organization headquarters office as the core function and integrating class A office building, five-star hotel, business, meeting, research and development, exhibition and manufacturing, etc. in the central Henan.

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