
“BIDA integration” engineering technology system

Visits : Release time :2017-12-28

In order to actively respond to the call of the country to vigorously promote “fabricated type” construction, the Company takes the large-scale project refrigerating machine room as the entry point, and through continuous practice and promotion, a complete set of “BIDA integration” engineering technology system is formed.

Under the traditional construction mode, on-site material processing and high-altitude operations, etc. not only greatly reduce the construction efficiency, but also have great potential safety hazards, thus the construction quality cannot be guaranteed. The construction time is usually 2 to 3 months, which seriously affects the project progress. The “BIDA integration” engineering technology system, which takes the BIM technology as the support and fabricated type construction as the core, makes the construction phase summarized as B-BIM Design (full BIM deepening design), I-Industrial Production (factory prefabrication), D-Dispatching (instrumented positioning and distribution) and A-Assembly Construction (modular assembly construction), and it can be fully applied to large-scale machine rooms, tube wells, integrated pipe arrangement and other mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction. All assembly components are prefabricated in the factory and assembled on the site, which perfectly achieves the “zero-welding” green construction on the site, reduces high-altitude operations and hot work, eliminates potential safety hazards, and greatly improves construction quality and construction efficiency.

With the generalization of “BIDA integration” engineering technology system, the Company has won many relevant honors, including 1 Second Prize of the “Longtu Cup” National BIM Contest, 1 First Prize of the “Innovation Cup” National BIM Contest, 1 First Prize of National BIM Contest of China Construction Industry Association, 2 First Prizes and 2 Third Prizes of BIM Special Achievements of Tianjin Construction System Excellent Project Management Achievements.

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