
2018 BIM Technology Basic Training for the New Employees of the South China Branch Ended Successfully

Visits : Release time :2018-02-03

On February 2, 2018, the 2017 BIM technology basic training for new employees of South China Branch was successfully completed. The training lasted for 7 days and was divided into three parts: three-day Revit software teaching and evaluation, three-day 3Ds max software teaching and evaluation, and final closing argument. The South China Branch invited Liu Bin and Li Ye from the Design and Research Institute (Technical Center) of the Company to give lectures, and a total of 34 new employees newly recruited in 2017 from the South China Branch participated in the training.

After careful preparation and careful planning by the construction management department of South China Branch, the 2017 South China Branch BIM Technical Training Program for New Employees and the 2017 New Employees BIM Technology Basic Training Manual were prepared and strictly implemented. During the training period, the trainees were divided into six groups to discuss and help each other. The learning effect was significant. Under the high-level teaching and high standard requirements of the two lecturers, the trainees passed the Revit modeling assessment, the 3Ds max effect diagram making assessment, and the graduation reply examination. In addition, the winners of the First Prize, the Second Prize and the Third Prize were selected and awarded the prizes.

On the afternoon of February 2, the graduation reply examination was held. Hu Jie, the chief engineer of South China Branch and Liu Bin and Li Ye from the Design and Research Institute (Technical Center) of the Company served as the judge to make marks for each group. Six groups of trainees respectively summed up and released the learning situation and training harvests in these seven days and the next-step plans.

Hu Jie, chief engineer of South China Branch, made a comment at last: The training for the employees newly recruited in 2017 was very successful. The new colleagues not only mastered basic functions of Revit and 3Ds max software in seven days, but also made amazing works. Many “master” class trainees emerged to lead the group to learn and improve together. I hope that everyone will strengthen the application of BIM technology, assist in project management, conduct the in-depth exploration and application of BIM technology, and improve the fine management level of the project in the future work.

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