
2017 Installation Star National BIM Application Contest Ended Successfully, and the Company Enjoyed Good Results

Visits : Release time :2018-01-29

On January 26, the final appraisal meeting for the 2017 Installation Star National BIM Application Contest was held in Taiyuan. Yang Cuncheng, Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of the China Installation Association, and Deputy Secretary Generals Zhao Ailan, Gu Xinjian and Tang Zhongchi, Xu Lianbin, Deputy Inspector of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Shanxi Province, Li Yun, Secretary General of the BIM Application and Intelligent Building Branch of China Installation Association, and many leaders from the Shanxi Installation Group attended the meeting.

This meeting was sponsored by the China Installation Association and co-sponsored by Shanxi Industrial Equipment Installation Group Co., Ltd. Professor Wang Guangbin of Tongji University served as the judge director; Wang Gang, Chief Engineer of Beijing Hongye, and Wang Yi, Chief Engineer of Beijing Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Group served as the deputy judge directors; senior BIM experts Liu Jianwei, Guo Qian, Li Weijun, and Ren Yao served as judges. Liu Yi, from science and technology promotion department of the China Installation Association, Zhang Weidong, the Deputy Secretary-General of the BIM Application and Intelligent Building Branch of China Installation Association, and Deputy Secretary Generals Ji Huawei, Deng Bo and Tian Ning etc. also attended the meeting. At the final appraisal meeting, an open public reply was adopted and more than 130 judges, guests, contestants and representatives attended the meeting.

The 2017 “Installation Star” National BIM Application Contest received a total of 268 effective works. After a series of selection and fierce competitions, 28 works were nominated for final evaluation and reply. In the end, the Company’s works The Research and Application of “BIDA Integration” Engineering Technology System and The Integrated Application of BIM in Electromechanical Engineering of Hanyu Financial and Commercial Center A5-3# Building won two first prizes. The Application of BIM Technology in Bare Concrete Electromechanical Engineering of Qingdao Goertek Scientific and Technological Industry Project won the second prize.

At the end of the meeting, Li Yun, Secretary General of the BIM Application and Intelligent Building Branch of China Installation Association made a summary. He said that this BIM contest encouraged and promoted the technological innovation of the electromechanical installation companies and technological advancements in the industry, and indicated the progress and striving direction for the installation companies in the application of BIM technology. (Zhong Kai)


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