
Green Construction Management

Visits : Release time :2017-12-28

The Company actively organizes all management personnel to actively participate in the green construction training meeting, innovation and development experience exchange meeting and training meeting of China Construction Industry Association; in the recent three years, a total of 70 trainees have obtained the Green Construction Compliance Certificate; On January 1, 2016, the Company issued the Guidelines for the Implementation of Green Construction, clarified the green construction management process and management points, and conducted green construction training for each branch, with the total number of trainees of more than 1,400; summarized the site implementation and management experience and strived for creating a visit and model construction site. In 2017, a total of 36 projects organized the green construction visit, with the total times of visits of 120 and the total number of visitors of 16,742. Horse Training Ground of Guangzhou Hong Kong Jockey Club, Zibo Cultural Center Project, and Shenzhen CSOT Project were visited as the National Construction Industry Green Construction Demonstration Project Visit Site and achieved good social benefits, with the single-time visitors of more than 500 persons, more than 400 persons, and more than 500 persons respectively. As the CSCEC 2017 visit site, Shenzhen CSOT Project received the visit of more than 120 persons from the brother units.

During the period from 2013 to 2015, the Company established a total of 33 national construction industry green construction demonstration projects, of which, the number of national construction industry green construction demonstration projects is 6, 14 and 14 respectively in 2013, 2014 and 2015. In 2016, the Company established a total of 14 national construction industry green construction demonstration projects.


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