
Reach the Peak with Spirit of Enterprising and Show the Lofty Sentiments of the Company at the Top of Snow Mountain

-Dream Mansion Project Department of Overseas Business Division celebrated New Year’s Day and welcomed the Spring Festival

Visits : Release time :2018-06-28

On January 1, 2018, the Dream Mansion Project Department organized a Hallasan Mountain climbing activity and invited members of the Chinese Consulate in Jeju to participate. In addition to achieving a gain in health and leading to greater solidarity, it was conducted to strengthen hard-working and teamwork spirits and further to show the elegance of the Company.

Hallasan Mountain (1950m) is the highest mountain in Korea. As a snow-covered mountain, it is difficult to climb this mountain. Participants were divided into 6 groups and contacted with intercoms between groups. Each group consisted of members from various departments and members of the Consulate, which facilitated their communication in climbing process. In this regard, all persons helped each other and worked together to conquer steep slopes and slides. In spite of slow steps, the climbers made determined efforts and climbed with firm conviction. Soreness and ache did not change their original aspiration. The climbers paid a sweat and also gained a successful harvest. Except that several fellow workers returned due to physical reasons, 31 participants finally succeeded in reaching the peak of Hallasan Mountain with four hours of hard work. Facing chilly wind, they let the banner of the Company unfold and swing in the wind at the top of the mountain.

In the New Year, we have new starting points, new goals, and new brilliances. Through the activity, we believe that, we will be more fearless, brave, and passionate and remain true to their original aspiration so as to make more achievements. And we will also strive for a better overseas development.

Photo 1 on the peak


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